3 Essential Supplements for a Long Life Healthy Dog

There is a common belief among most dog owners that feeding a dog on commercial dog food is enough for all the dog’s nutritional needs. This belief couldn’t be further from the truth. As much as commercial

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8 Must-Have Products for Your New Puppy

You are about to receive your new puppy either from an orphanage or a breeder. You are excited as you prepare for the arrival of a new furry addition to the family, but you are feeling a bit nervous amidst

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Healthy and Organic Dog Foods For Senior Dogs

If you have ever been the dog owner of senior dogs, then you know that dogs develop specific health changes with age. Just like elderly humans, older dogs require specialized care to maintain good health.

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How to Help My Puppy Manage Stress

Just like humans, puppies experience stress and anxiety. Stress can have a severe impact on a puppy’s health if untreated. Causes of stress in puppies can vary from a visit to the veterinary to loud

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Maintaining a Healthy Mind For Senior Aged Dogs

When your furry friend prefers to stay on a warm sofa rather than have a jaunt in the garden, then as a pet parent, you should know that they are stepping into the category of senior dogs. Ageing creeps,

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Our Top 5 Picks For Grain Free Dog Food

Grain free dog food has become increasingly popular among dog owners over the past few years and for a good reason. You see, most regular dog foods contain grains like wheat, soy, and corn as the ingredients.

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Best Ways To Brush Dog’s Teeth

For sure you love those wet kisses from your cute monster, but what about the stinky breaths? Brushing the teeth is one of the most important components of overall dog hygiene. It keeps your pooch’s

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Dog Health Care: Skin Diseases Symptoms and Treatments

Scratching, sniffing, itching or chewing the coat; are these sound familiar to you? If so, your pooch might be suffering from skin infections! Just like us, our furry friends can also show sensitivity

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Common Dog Diseases and How to Treat Them

Dogs are our best friends. They are a part of our families, and they depend on us for good health care, diagnosis, and treatment of dog diseases. Taking care of a dog can, however, be challenging because

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Your Dog Hates it When You Do These Things

Dogs are the most loyal animals on earth, but they have a limit on how much they can tolerate from their masters. It is difficult for most dog owners to understand the behaviors that make a dog uncomfortable

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Top 5 Wheelchairs For An Injured Dog

Every pet deserves a loving and safe home. However, sometimes due to an unfortunate turn of events, our furry friends become immobile and need help with walking or moving around. A serious injury or an

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10 Little-known Benefits of Owning a Dog

We fondly refer to dogs as man’s best friend, and there is a good reason for that. A dog will always be loyal to its owner no matter what. Whether the dog owner is a caring animal lover or one of those

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Why Long Toenails Are Harmful To Your Dog’s Health?

Dogs with long nails are considered as human walking in oversized shoes; painful and uncomfortable! Is your dog making a clicking noise while walking? It means that they are long overdue for a nail grooming! Clipping

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Must Read Before Getting A Dog! Lets Talk About The Cost Of Ownership

  If you’ve decided to get a dog, congratulations! There are many benefits of owning a dog, but there are also many responsibilities involved. One of the biggest considerations to think about

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Expert Tips: How to Stop Your Dog From Barking

Everyone loves an enthusiastic woof from their best friend. Upon your return home, there’s nothing like joyful barks to make you feel loved. But what do you do when your dog is a little too vocal?

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What is the Best Dog Food for Labs?

So you just bought a beautiful Labrador puppy or a full grown lab, and now you are scratching your head on what kind of food to feed it. Worry not, we’ve got you covered. We love labs and sharing! Labradors

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Stop! Don’t Harm Your Pup with These 10 Dog Food Brands

It’s important that we give our dogs the nutrition they deserve. That starts with the food, but with so many different varieties on the shelves, how do we know the best and worst dog food brands? There’s

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5 Ways to Get Your Companion Off a Dog Poop Diet

Most living creatures tend to avoid eating their own poop. For many reasons, a poop diet is unhealthy and can lead to a variety of health issues later on. Sometimes, however, our canine friends can’t

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5 Ways Fat Dogs are Eating Up Your Checkbook

When it comes right down to it, one of the best things about being a dog owner is spoiling your pup. Pets provide us with so much care and love that it’s only fair we try and return the favor, right? It

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Yunzhi – A Holistic Mushrooms For Increasing Survivial Time For Dog Cancer

Medicine Mushrooms For Dog Cancer Treatment ?   Ask any dog-lover, and they will tell you the same thing: dogs are family. They make us smile, give us laughter every day, and keep us motivated to

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