Medicine Mushrooms For Dog Cancer Treatment ? Ask any dog-lover, and they will tell you the same thing: dogs are family. They make us smile, give us laughter every day, and keep us motivated to
Continue readingGrooming and bathing your canine friend is simply not enough if you are not paying attention to maintaining good oral health. Good oral health is integral to your dog’s overall wellbeing. Make it a weekly
Continue readingWouldn’t it be delightful if the brand new puppy you brought home were to live a long and healthy life? Watching a pet suffer an illness can be one of the most painful experiences of a pet owner’s
Continue readingWhile it’s every pet owners dream to watch their pet thrive and live a healthy life, some dog breeds are susceptible to more health problems than others. Watching your canine best friend struggle can
Continue readingTicks and fleas can be a big annoyance for both your dog and yourself. Nobody want to see their dog scratching itself all the time, and you definitely don’t want to deal with the fleas and ticks yourself. These
Continue readingWhen you think of common health issues with dogs, there are probably more than a few that immediately come to mind. Fleas and ticks, worms, and dental issues might spring up first, and for good reason.
Continue readingYou may hear people refer to unkept, disheveled-looking dogs as “mangy” from time to time, often as a joke. While some dogs may indeed suffer from a bad hair day from time to time, the truth is that
Continue readingWorms are one of the most prevalent and common instigators of health issues with dogs. There are numerous types of worms that can pose a threat to your dog, and they are rather easy to come by regardless
Continue readingThe parvovirus is a potentially devastating canine disease that is also very prevalent in most communities. It is often considered the most widespread of all dog diseases, affecting a vast amount of both
Continue readingDog breath isn’t the most pleasant thing in the world, but it shouldn’t be the worst thing either. In fact, a dog’s breath should always be fairly consistent. If you notice your dog’s breath smelling
Continue readingDogs are loyal companions that love unconditionally and provide their owners with numerous benefits and joys during their life. Unfortunately, like any other living creature, dogs are susceptible to a
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