Your Dog Hates it When You Do These Things

Dogs are the most loyal animals on earth, but they have a limit on how much they can tolerate from their masters. It is difficult for most dog owners to understand the behaviors that make a dog uncomfortable because dogs will rarely lash out. There are, however, nonverbal signs that you can look for to identify when your pooch is nervous. Since it is not easy for most dog owners to decipher their dog’s nonverbal communication, we recommend this canine body language bible to help you understand your dog on a canine level, and improve your relationship with him. Now let us take a look at some of the things which seem normal to us that dogs hate:




I know, you love your pooch, and you cannot get enough of his furry hugs. I’m afraid, however, that he most certainly does not feel the same way. Canines do not show affection by hugging and have no history of grasping each other. According to your dog, tights hugs are nothing more than an invasion of his personal space. It is even worse when the hugs come from a stranger. Different dogs react differently to tight hugging, but to keep it safe, refrain from hugging your pooch too tightly and instead, stick to the good old belly rubs that dogs love.


Leaving them alone


Dogs, even though domesticated, are still pack animals by nature and can’t stand being alone for too long. As a dog owner, you are practically a member and the alpha of your dog’s pack. Leaving him alone for long might confuse him and make him act out due to boredom and loneliness. It would be unrealistic to spend all day every day cuddled up with your furry friend because humans have careers and other social obligations. It is, however, essential to set aside some time to spend with your pooch and bond. Create a routine to take your pooch out for walks and exercises. If you are a frequent traveler, get yourself a trustworthy dog sitter to take care of your pooch and spend time with him when you are away.


Dressing them up


Dogs hate being dressed up but most of them tolerate it to please their masters. Dressing up goes against a dog’s nature and their biology. It limits their vision and constricts their movement. If dogs needed to be dressed up then they would not have a fur coating, would they? Dressing up a dog might help you take a cute picture of them. However, when prolonged, you will notice that they will start displaying a certain level of discomfort. If you are dressing up your pooch for a photo session, stay on the lookout for signs of distress such as tugging against outfit and undress him immediately you notice them.




dog-1951211Prolonged eye contact


Eye contact is a critical aspect of human interactions, but it serves an entirely different role in canine interactions. Eye contact is usually a sign of dominance in dogs, and even though you are the dominant one between you and your pooch, he will not appreciate you flaunting your dominance all so often. It is even more confusing for your dog when they have to endure prolonged eye contact from strangers. They will not understand why a complete stranger is trying to assert dominance when they already have another master. It is best to avoid prolonged eye contact with a dog especially a strange dog because there is no telling how he will react to such a show of dominance from a stranger.


Exposing them to loud environments


Dogs have a phobia of loud noises. Whether it is you yelling at them, loud music, thunderstorm, or a fireworks display, dogs hate it and will react very stressfully when exposed to any loud noise. Yelling at your pooch to reprimand bad behavior does not help but scares him. You can try adjusting the tone of your voice instead of the volume to scold him for bad behavior. If there happens to be noise outside from either fireworks, thunderstorms, or gunshots, it is imperative to lock the windows and doors to minimize the amount of the sound that gets into the house.


Taking hurried walks


Dogs practically see with their noses. Sniffing is a dog’s primary way of exploring his surroundings. Depriving him of that chance when taking walks can be very annoying and frustrating to him. When taking your pooch for a walk, avoid restraining him to your designated path. Instead, put him on a loose leash that allows him to stray and explore the surroundings. Better yet, take him to the park and release him from his leash so that he can run around and do all the sniffing he wants to do.




Inconsistency in your routine


Dogs thrive on routine and structure, and it can be very annoying and confusing for the dog when the dog owner disrupts this routine. A dog owner should stick to a script and keep things like feeding, baths, and walks to a consistent routine. Your dog will ingrain this routine and expect everything at its designated time. Unpredictability in your routine will create behavioral problems in your pooch.


Exposing them to strong smells


A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 – 100,000 times stronger than a human’s so you can imagine how irritating it can be for your pooch when he is exposed even to the slightest unpleasant smells. Think of it as someone shining a very bright light into your eyes. Not very pleasant, is it? Dog owners need to put their dogs into consideration when using cleaning products and perfumes to avoid making the house a stressful environment for the pooch. It is imperative to use mildly scented cleaning products and always to ensure that your pooch is at a safe distance when you wear your perfume.


Being upset


That’s right. Your pooch hates it when you are upset or stressed. Dogs have an uncanny ability to read your mood without you even uttering a word or doing anything. When your pooch notices that you are upset, it disrupts his equilibrium. As a result, he will either mirror your emotions and become stressed or act out to get your attention. It is, hence, essential that you work on keeping to the routine of walking, feeding, and playing with your pooch even when you are stressed so that he does not feel abandoned.


In conclusion


Understanding our furry companions might seem like an uphill task, but it is quite simple with the right guidelines. As a dog owner, you should get yourself this guide to help you understand your dig better by relating to him on a canine level. It will also help you identify whether whatever you are giving your dog is what he needs. Once you understand how to relate to your pooch and gain the ability to pick up on even the most subtle of his nonverbal cues, you will be a step closer to establishing a very healthy relationship with him.

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